Thanks to Jeremy Duffy for tipping me off about this new South African product.
As many of you know, I love gadgets and new technologies, or old technologies used in new ways.
Remember the Sedgeway human transporter? Well, it has to happen sooner rather than later, a robot using similar technology, being two wheels side by side with built in stability.
A South African company, Robonica, is developing the Robonii, a remote controlled Robot toy with varying personalities and an impressive array of features, scheduled for release approx mid 2009.
Their website has some impressive flash video though it is difficult to tell how much is purely computer generated and how much is real video footage of the device in action.
See: www.robonica.com - just sit back and watch the video footage on the homepage, then link to PRODUCTS and do the same.
I wonder when they will start accepting pre-orders?
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