Let's compare it to the new super-currency, the Euro-Dollar:
Today (29 June 2009) the Rand strengthened from R11.21 per Euro, to R10.98

To see this in perspective, let's review the Rand over longer time periods:
Here we see the Rand against the Euro over the last 10 days

... and over the last month

...and over the last year

Interesting, but where are we in the grand scheme of things?
The 3-year chart shows:

So, where will the Rand go over the next few months, or the next few years?
What aspects (both good and bad) will come into play to influence our currency?
What effect will the 2010 soccer world cup offer our currency?
What about the global credit crises?
These are interesting questions with many different viewpoints.
I would like to hear YOUR viewpoint on this.
Click on "Comments" below to add your own comment on this.
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