How can anyone support a government that always seems to side on the wrong side of every conflict? ... and makes the most insane decisions?
Our crazed government openly supported Gadaffi, and sided with Hammas in the recent conflict in Israel. See more info in my blog titled, "South Africa V2.009".
Now comes the latest crazed decision that only a moronic mindset could have made... the Dalai Lama has been barred from entering our country to participate in a peace conference! Is that not just insane?
Our constitution guarantees the freedom of religion for all, yet the worldwide leader of the Bhuddist religion is not permitted to visit our country? How can this be?
The Dalai Lama is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate! He wishes to attend a peace conference in South Africa... and the government forbids his visit? What are they smoking? They sure know how to destroy all credibility in themselves.
The Dalai Lama was invited to participate in the conference by fellow Nobel Peace Prize laureates Desmond Tutu, former SA Presidents FW De Klerk and Nelson Mandela.
Why the decision to bar the Dalai Lama from our country? Apparently moronic government officials have given in to a request from the Chinese government who are still engaged in conflict with Tibet after invading that country.
Our government makes a mockery of the intentions of the peace conference.
This self-destructive action can bring no good to our country... and they do this in an election year? Wow! That is pretty short-sighted.
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